Where is MAKO Locks located?

We are located in Palm Beach Gardens, FL USA.

What countries do you ship to?

We currently ship to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe.

Can I order more keys?

Of course! Please send an email to cs@makolocks.com and include the key code. The key code can be found on your key or on the original packaging of your lock and is usually a 6 digit number or alpha-numeric 4 character code. For security purposes, you will be asked to provide proof of ownership for your lock.

What is the MAKO M-2 System?

The MAKO M-2 system is based on the A-2 system for SFIC made popular by BEST. Locks keyed for the A-2 system are typically keyed with all standard lock pins. The M-2 system utilizes high security pins for increased pick resistance. Even though the M-2 system pinning is different than typical A-2 products, it is still compatible with existing A-2 SFIC systems. 

How should I lubricate my MAKO Lock?

MAKO locks and cylinders come pre-lubricated with a special lock lubricant that contains no oil, grease, graphite, or silicon. This lubricant will become less effective over time, especially for locks used outdoors. 

To re-lubricate, we recommend using a product specifically designed for lock lubrication, such as Houdini or Tri-Flow. These products are readily available online and at most home improvement stores. 

We do not recommend using products that contain oil, solvents, Teflon, silicone, or graphite.